Thursday, February 27, 2014

Organizing my Closet

So I have been looking up neat ways to organize my closet before putting it all into action. Now, in my closet, I have a bunch of sections for winter clothes, summer clothes, and dresses. Somehow, I still need  to organize each of those sections!

1) Now I love the idea about different colored hangers for each season. It will make my closet colorful and fun, and what more of a perfect way to organize than colors?!
2) So I have been working on getting my wardrobe bigger and better, I have a million hangers hanging up and it just looks crowded and weird. So I desperately need one of these:
3) Now, every time a buy a new pair of heels, I keep them in their boxes for safe keeping. But I have so many, that I keep forgetting what shoe is what box! So I really need to invest in some clear show boxes! Plus, I love being able to see my shoes when I open my closet. 
4) Now I need a purse organizer. I have purses lying ALL OVER my closet and room! So this is a definite yes when it comes to organizing my closet.

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