Monday, March 17, 2014

Avocado Face Mask

Avocado can do absolute wonders for your skin. I am sadly allergic to avocado, but that doesn't stop me from putting it on my face! Avocado helps clean the skin, and reduce wrinkles. Like I said in my other post, anything that reduces wrinkles, I am all for. Avocados are filled with vitamin A and the glutamine amino acid cleanses the skin, getting rid of dead skin cells. The antioxidants detoxify all the toxins that can lead your skin to age prematurely.

What you will need for this face mask are:
1 ripe avocado
2 tbsp honey
1/3 cup plain yogurt
1 tsp lemon

Now this will make about 4-5 masks. Shelf life is one week, if kept in a well contained with a secure lid. Mix all the ingredients together, and blend.

To apply:
Just apply a thick paste to your face, and wash off with warm water.

This mask seriously does wonders for your skin, and when I make this mask I use it every day!

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